Gaming Geeking

Board Game Prices

So just to be upfront, this post is kinda of an ad for a project I’ve been working on lately. I’ve been creating a board game price comparison site, Board Gamer Deals, which does, well, exactly what it sounds like! You can go to the site, search for whatever board game you’re looking for, and the page will search for the latest pricing from a number of retailers. My database of games is growing every day. Also, if you search for a game that I don’t already have, the page will be automatically generated!

This has been a huge project for me. Connecting to Board Game Geek to get game info and generate pages automatically. Then finding matches for the games through Amazon and Walmart and pulling in live prices. Getting the product matching as accurate as possible. It’s been a big project and I’ve still got a ton of features I want to add still.

Obviously I want to pull prices from as many retailers as possible. I’m also looking into doing some kind of alerts for when games go on sale / prices drop.

The key thing about this site is it all runs, for the most part, automatically. I simply don’t have the time to manage a site like this on my own, but I can write my code so the site updates itself, and users add more games to the database as they search. Then as more games get added, all I have to do is double check that I’m getting the right ID codes.

It’s so much fun getting all of this going. I hope you’ll check out Board Gamer Deals as I continue to update and improve it.