
Who’s excited for Star Trek: Picard?

Update: I have no words except, AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I can’t express how excited I am for Star Trek: Picard… well okay that’s not true, this would be a very short post if that were true.

But seriously, just a few years ago I never would have thought this would be happening. The Next Generation era had gone by the wayside, replaced with prequels and reboots, and that was just the way of things.

Now we get to return to the era and at least one of the characters I grew up with, Picard.

Gaming Geeking

Board Game Prices

So just to be upfront, this post is kinda of an ad for a project I’ve been working on lately. I’ve been creating a board game price comparison site, Board Gamer Deals, which does, well, exactly what it sounds like! You can go to the site, search for whatever board game you’re looking for, and the page will search for the latest pricing from a number of retailers. My database of games is growing every day. Also, if you search for a game that I don’t already have, the page will be automatically generated!


The Orville Premier Review / Thoughts

I’ll just get this out of the way at the top. I really enjoyed the first episode of The Orville.

The Orville is half Star Trek satire, half it’s own thing. Actually, I don’t even want to say it’s satire at all, it’s really not. It’s a Star Trek-style show with a humorous bent. The aesthetic is very clearly TNG era Star Trek. At least as much as they can get away with, without being sued by CBS.


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in Theaters!

Having been born in late 1983, I obviously missed out on the chance to see one of my favorite movies on the big screen. Next week, that finally changes! I’ll be going on September 13th to see Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in theaters! I couldn’t be more excited about it!


Star Trek: Discovery Prop Reveals

The official Star Trek: Discovery twitter account has been posting some interesting clips lately. Revealing props such as the new communicator and phasers. And damn, do they look great! I fully expect and hope to see a good look of the new tricorder soon.


Stranger Things Season 2 Poster Reveal

I can’t express to you how much it needs to be October so I can watch this. Like, right meow. In the mean time, we get to stare at this poster image for a few months. And binge on the first season over and over. Now If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to do just that.


Marvel’s Inhumans Trailer

So while I may not have ever really been a comic reader growing up or after, I’ve come to love the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I tend to be a little behind on the TV stuff though, but this look at the new series seems pretty interesting.

Marvel’s Inhumans series initially was going to be a movie, was postponed / cancelled, sat around in development hell for a minute, and is now back in TV show form. I’m not entirely sure why all the back and forth but I’d sure like to find out, I’m always fascinated by what goes into making a movie or show.

Being a guy that has very little familiarity with the comics, this trailer has me interested. Not excited or mad, just interested. It’s been said that the powerset of the Inhumans would be difficult to pull off on a tv budget though, so I am curious how well that is going to work out.

I can’t say this got me super hyped up though. Inhumans gets a resounding “Meh.” from me.


Star Trek: Discovery thoughts and opinions

There’s been a lot of news lately regarding the new Star Trek series, Discovery. With the first trailer being released, and the premier date announced, it seems the P.R. machine is starting to kick into gear. Here I’m going to go over my thoughts on some of the latest news from CBS and the Star Trek team.