
Marvel’s Inhumans Trailer

So while I may not have ever really been a comic reader growing up or after, I’ve come to love the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I tend to be a little behind on the TV stuff though, but this look at the new series seems pretty interesting.

Marvel’s Inhumans series initially was going to be a movie, was postponed / cancelled, sat around in development hell for a minute, and is now back in TV show form. I’m not entirely sure why all the back and forth but I’d sure like to find out, I’m always fascinated by what goes into making a movie or show.

Being a guy that has very little familiarity with the comics, this trailer has me interested. Not excited or mad, just interested. It’s been said that the powerset of the Inhumans would be difficult to pull off on a tv budget though, so I am curious how well that is going to work out.

I can’t say this got me super hyped up though. Inhumans gets a resounding “Meh.” from me.